Investment Portal of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

NAVTEX autonomous station project for the port of Pevek approved

A NAVigational TEleX (NAVTEX) shore station will be installed in the Chukchi port of Pevek to ensure safe navigation along the North Sea Route. It is designed to provide navigational and meteorological information. The construction project has been approved by Glavgosexpertiza Russia.

15 August 2022

NAVTEX is a component of the International Maritime Organisation's Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. The Project Office for Arctic Development talks about it.

The NAVTEX station is planned to appear 2 km south of Pevek, on the slope of the dominant Peekiney Sopka (Pahuchaya Mountain). Its height is 518 m. The radius of the Pevek coastal station (frequency range 490 and 518 kHz) is reported to be up to 440 nautical miles. The detailed design was prepared by the Siberian institute of Telecommunications Survey and Projecting. The developer will be FSUE Rosmorport.

Due to the specifics of the Arctic region, the finished station must operate autonomously for up to 90 days.

'Since Pevek is in a permafrost zone, the buildings of the equipment room, diesel power plant, snow removal equipment storage facilities and others will be prefabricated factory containers. The two NAVTEX T-transmission antennas (one main and one reserve) will be capital construction projects and will require drilling work,' commented Alexey Kartoshkin, Chief Expert of the Project Engineering Department of the General Board of State Expert Review.

The NAVTEX service station project was previously approved for Dikson. The station network is part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System on the North Sea Route programme.


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